All change!

Well things certainly are changing whether we want them to or not!

My ops are over and done with – as I mentioned a few weeks ago the first one was a breeze.  Not so lucky with the second one.  Its been very uncomfortable, painful and inflammed, when I mentioned the blurred sight the surgeon mentioned it seemed this one needed more time to heal, and suggested relaxation was the best thing as well as limiting concentration, which meant only a little reading along with no computer time – so that has been the order of the day. 

Comparing the two experiences with a friend I said it was like when our second child was born – our first born was a really quiet babe who just slept and ate and then we were hit with this noisy baby who never seemed to sleep. Well I began to think if it had been the other way round I may have been reluctant to have another child – so it was with the ‘eye experience’  Would I have gone ahead if I’d had all these difficulties with the first one?  I’ll never know.  Thankfully it is improving as the days go by.  

Its that time of the year when the clocks change and for a short time confusion reigns if you are trying to contact family and friends around the world lol  This coming Sunday the hands on our clocks here in Victoria will be moved back which means Daylight Saving Time/ Summer Time will end and we will be back to Eastern Standard Time which is 10 hours in front of Greenwich Mean Time or as I discovered Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) which is also known as Zulu Time.  Now when I when I watch Jag I’ll have an idea of what they are on about when it pops up on the screen 🙂  
Other Australian states do/don’t use Daylight saving so sometimes it’s a challenge for me to remember what the time is elsewhere in Australia never mind anywhere else in the world! – have a look here for an explanation

Only problem with this change is that about the same time the UK and other northern hemisphere countries are changing their clocks to Daylight Saving Time/Summer Time which means (if you haven’t noted it from years past) we (as in me) have to recalculate the time difference so there will be no waking others up for a chat at odd (inconvenient) hours of the night – not a good thing to do 😦

After a rather disastrous season here in Aus cricket is over for the year – the professional players are all heading overseas – looking very enthusiastic but I’m sure with the team (and management) we have at the moment they are going to get slaughtered again.  So that means Footy (Aussie Rules) is back!  Lots of healthy muscular young men chasing a oval shaped leather ball up and down the pitch trying to kick it through the goal posts (of which there are four) at each end of said pitch.  Get it through the middle two and the team scores 6 points for the goal – through the outer two and its 1 point for a behind. 

If you are really interested you could look at this link

Thanks for all the comments on the last post – the weather is much better now.  It did go rather cool (cold even lol) and now is what I class as pleasant.  This week we have sunny days with highs in the 20s Celcius that is – about 70s F.  Nights are drawing in tho’ 🙂

9 Replies to “All change!”

  1. It’s too bad that the second op did not go as well as the first. By the way, Hawaii broke a record. The overnight low was 61 F. Cooold. I had to close all of the windows to keep the cold air out.


    1. Gigi, you know it seems like there are places all over the world having climate records of one sort or the other broken – not sure if global warming comes into it or not or whether its a more dramatic cyclical thing going on.


  2. Changing the clocks one way or another is upsetting to me. The dogs know what time it is and it doesn’t coincide with mine, yep – frustrating here as well.


    1. Hello Sharon
      Are their stomachs still on the old time?
      Imagine the problems the poor old cows have – what you mean I have to cart this load around for another hour??


  3. I’m sorry your eye has been so sore, but I’m sure it will be worth it in the end. I gave up on our cricket team years ago. They are just not like our teams of the past. The boys are all so metrosexual and more interested in their looks and image, rather than on the game. But I’m sooooo happy footy is back. As a collingwood supporter, don’t hate me, I’m looking forward this this weeks game. Feel better soon


    1. Oh Angela thanks for your thoughts. I was a bit more than ropeable when the post op period wasn’t the same as the first one, mind you I have seen an improvement in the last couple of days – there have been times when it doesn’t seem to be as blurry as it has been.
      Early days where the footy is concerned – lots of cheers and tears to come I think lol


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