🧶The last of…..

Unless anything springs up and surprises me these will be the last flowers on the table for a little while. I can’t see any more ‘heads’ on the Dietes and most of pink Oleander bushes are starting to look scruffy with loads of dead flowers and the small flowering hardy Fuchsia (David?) which has been growing outside for about 30yrs now did not enjoy that recent dry spell. I see some cutting back happening in the next wee while.

And it’ll be a while before our favourite ‘this time of the year’ snack appears again – no not Easter eggs…..hot cross buns
These were the last two left in the freezer.
Cut and lightly toasted. The Golfer likes jam on his, me I’m partial to butter. Just right with coffee outside on a cloudy (not chilly) morning last week

Nothing like the coffee break on the bright sunny day earlier that same week but look you have to sit out there and enjoy the fresh air while you can, there’ll be time enough for indoors as the season continues to change each week.

Still on my ‘use it up’ quest I thought I’d used the last of the fawn leftovers but it seems I missed a few half balls and as that is definitely the last of the cream I can see a couple more patterned beanies coming up to finish it.

We stayed there long enough for me to cast on, work a few rows of rib and then for someone to say he was hungry – sausage rolls from that shop he likes to frequent are his go to.
Not fantastic- passable – edible.

The book on the table is this month’s book club read. 

‘Less – Andrew Sean Greer (2017)’
Receiving an invitation to his ex-boyfriend’s wedding, Arthur, a failed novelist on the eve of his fiftieth birthday, embarks on an international journey that finds him falling in love, risking his life, reinventing himself, and making connections with the past. 

Let’s just say it’s weird different!. 
I’ve another 2 weeks to read it in – It may get finished It may not.

If the truth be told I was feeling a bit low that morning
The week before I’d sorted through some boxes deciding to move on some ‘pastimes’ from years ago
Kiera’s grooming paraphernalia turned up….remember Kiera, my little brown shadow?
She was the last of a very long list of all sorts of cats we had – or should I say shared the house with us over many many years
Seeing the brushes and grooming mitt on the table had me looking to my left half expecting her to be there on the wooden bench –
sadly no, we said goodbye to her back in April 2018.

Gosh, I miss having to ‘fight for a spot’ on the table


Kat hosts  Unraveled Wednesday . which features Reading Crafting Chatting – you’ll find it all there – pop over, see what’s going on – maybe stay and say hello.

16 Replies to “🧶The last of…..”

  1. Oddly enough we were sitting out yesterday – before it got too hot – eating home made sausage rolls. The heat doesn’t help in making puff pastry…but it turned out all right and we now have a new flavour…tomato sauce, cumin and chilli…..as well as the usual ones.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. For quite a few years we would come across black dog hairs shed by our departed dog. Oddly, a few even ended up here after we moved. Sadness can be simultaneous with nice memories.

    Aren’t hot cross buns yet out for next year?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. We have some of the old fashioned fuchsia here. I would love to take a cutting but I don’t know if it would work. I do like the more modern fancy flowers but the simple old fashioned ones win hands down.

    Your brown girl was a beauty. I don’t know if I could be without a cat. Himself says these two will be our last but we shall see.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I say take some cuttings now – light pruning is good for the bushes. They usually root quickly and easily, you could just pop into pots of soil or do the water rooting method. I’ve just stuck/tucked them into the ground direct before now but obviously you can’t do that.

      Yes Kiera was a special one – good mum as well


    1. It’s surprising what you can take from/ remember about a day when you’re not really thinking..

      Everything about your move happened so quickly Catherine so I’m hoping your days are getting better.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. What a beautiful girl, she was. I’ll bet she’s forever soaking up that sunshine now. We lost our 12 1/2 yr old newfie last month. I think the grooming tools were the hardest thing for my husband to put away. ♥

    Your table, that whole scene, looks so inviting!

    Less. I felt like I liked it, well, a little less than many readers did. And I was kind of surprised that it won a Pulitzer. But maybe I was missing something?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think that will be the outcome with me and Less and others in the group Carolyn. The library ‘picks’ and supplies our books and there’s been some strange ones lately. I accept the idea of broadening your reading horizons but it’s done reluctantly at times.


    1. Sadly I think that time has passed. At the time I wanted a little break from that commitment- then Covid came along with all the restrictions and long lockdowns here in Melbourne- and now…..well I’m being sensible and accepting I’m not getting any younger. Not fair on The Golfer if I die suddenly – something else for him to cope with (him not being a cat person)


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