Nostalgia or just Memories…

Nostalgia:~ pleasure and sadness that is caused by remembering something from the past and wishing that you could experience it again source

an affectionate feeling you have for the past, especially for a particularly happy time.

A while ago Caroline made mention of the G&Ts that she loves which reminded me of a drink I haven’t had in a long while.

We have the ‘Ginger’ — just need to pop down to Dan’s…..

….wonder if they’ve got some warm sunshine to go with it

Two ingredient cocktails – –

4 Replies to “Nostalgia or just Memories…”

  1. I’ve never heard of Dry and Dry. But it did remind me of Horses Neck which we drank ‘growing up’. I googled that and was disappointed to learn its not an exotic cocktail. It’s brandy or whisky with ginger ale. Ginger ale. Not available here. Such a pity. It goes in many alcoholic drinks


  2. cinzano – now that has made me put it on my shopping list. I haven’t drunk that in years. Its mainly whisky straight, or rum, lime juice and ginger beer in this house.


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