Pussy cat Pussy cat…..

Where’ve you been?

Well, when I first arrived in 1978…..
which was the year the person they call ‘our big girl’ had an elective called woodworking
(that was the year the boys had to take home economics and sewing an apron was their task – did not go down well with them I can tell you)
I sat on a little table beside her bed

Then when she moved out I went with her
All was well until she went overseas – I was returned with a ‘please look after’ note. Still not sure the back of a wardrobe fit that description.

The household here moved interstate for a few years – which I spent in a box along with other bits of ‘our big girl’s’ life. We’d been taken along because she told her Mum she might want us when she returned.

Household returned to Melbourne with me still tucked up in the box.
Many years later she came back, sorted her bits out – gave it all away, put me back in a box and asked if I could stay here until she was settled

How many years does it take to get settled I ask you??

So what am I doing sitting on the table in the sunshine?
Well, I’m enjoying the fresh air for a start. I’ve been stuck in that box in the garage for I don’t know how many years…..

Actually I’m going to have a bit of a wash and brush up, then have a little polish applied to make me look good
And then I’m going on a journey- across to Western Australia
(which is where our big girl lives)

And do you know – the funny thing is – something’s going happen
something I’m not really bothered about….
I have to be put in a box to be able to get there 🤣

21 Replies to “Pussy cat Pussy cat…..”

  1. Precious old memories. My big girl made a corner shelf in high school. I used it for years, and gave it to her oldest child when he graduated from high school.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Actually it’s got a nice feel to it, smooth and ‘rounded’ – she must have enjoyed making it.

      Gotta have some fun with the words some time Andrew , life’s too short to be serious (all the time)


    1. Oh I love the idea of a large wooden spoon…..all the better to spank you with. Sorry ( I realise that’s a no no these days) but it was the first thing I thought of when I read your words

      I have mentioned to them that this is the last call- time’s running out and the bin or charity shop is looming large. 


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