Oh, please, not again…

Many – well if the truth be told, an awful lot – of the people I associate with these days are in the older age group.
So when the person I’d spent most of Thursday morning with – sitting side by side on her small couch, talking laughing discussing (heads close together) – rings Friday morning and says “now I know why I was feeling a bit off” followed by “I’ve just tested positive” I knew I’d have to make some decisions.

Having had Covid once I’d rather not experience it again and even though vaccinations are all up to date…..’had she passed it on or not’…..was the question uppermost in my mind
If she had how soon would I know?

It was over 12 months since that infection (Dec 2022) and the virus has mutated several times since then. I read that with the latest variant it could be just a couple of days or maybe up to 5 days or even more
So even though the guidelines these days for ‘close contacts’ say, carry on as usual but wear a mask I thought it best, just in case I was shedding, to err on the side of caution and cancel a few bits and pieces.

The lovely Celtic Festival was on yesterday – Sunday.
Standing side by side with other retirees, singing away, breathing out and possibly spreading the dreaded virus to all and sundry didn’t seem the right thing to do. So I gave my apologies and stayed home

Today (Monday) is my aged care ‘volunteer’ day.
Testing negative on the day is fine but if it’s during that pre positive time when you’re infectious and could shed it’s definitely a no no – no go!

Tuesday morning is pool time – we’re not packed in tooth and jowl (and silly as I might look walking laps wearing a mask in the water I could do it ) but in fairness to the others I’ll give it a miss.
Same as the knitters group planned for the afternoon – mask or no mask kitchen table gatherings are close contact gatherings and I think best avoided. There’s always next month.

I’ve decided Wednesday’s choir rehearsal is out as well as Thursday evening’s craft. I might be (as one friend put it) overreacting and nothing come of it but I’d be disappointed with myself if it did and I caused harm to someone else.

Yes it’s one of my busy weeks ‘out of the house’ but I have plenty to occupy me at home
Lots to do….apart from housework that is – all was well this morning- no symptoms, negative RAT test result – but it’s early days yet

Is Covid still doing the rounds where you live? .
Are people taking it seriously or are they like my friend and think I’m overreacting?
Live and accept she said.

Monday Musings – a time to ponder and think

14 Replies to “Oh, please, not again…”

  1. I can see why you are being careful. It’s not an overreaction. We’ve had people testing negative even with symptoms, who finally test positive. Good on you for protecting others.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh boy, yes it’s still around but most people just say they’ve got the flu, stay at home for a couple of days, hardly bother testing and get out again without even thinking about the consequences. I had it for the 2nd time in January, tested and stayed home. After 4 vaccinations I expected an easy time and it was. A bad headache one day, then runny nose

    Hopefully there’ll be a lot less with summer coming on. Here. Not so good for you.

    We have to live with it. It’s another dose of the flu. You’d stay at home for a few days if you had the flu. Don’t over think it

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I haven’t had it yet, BUT we’ve been extremely cautious because of my 94 year old mom living with us.

    Art went on a trip to Kenya last August and brought it home. He was quarantined in a guest bedroom/bathroom for 10 days. It was an exhausting 10 days for me.

    We took the vaccine update in October 2023. I was told there’s another one we need to get now so Art, Mom and I will be getting it this week. This is just for those over 60, I believe.

    Yes, COVID is still around.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. If you are worried about infecting others, then yes, you did the right thing. Here, because of Leo’s illnesses, we shut down at every bug that comes along. Close the gates, cancel visitors, and sit it out.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. It’s still around, one of my friends had it in her household just a week or two ago.
    I appreciate your responsibility and I don’t think you’re over reacting BUT so many others are so casual about it that I feel like your efforts are wasted. As you say, it’s about your conscience and you need to do what you are happy with.

    I think you’ll be either sick or in the clear by Thursday, hopefully in the clear

    Liked by 1 person

  6. So many of the old fools here at the old folk’s home are anti-vaxxers. Haven’t seen one be sick, yet, but probably because the rest of us are up to date and “protecting” them.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. your one of the few people who do the right thing. Most won’t even test now. So they go out into the world and spread it around I hope you stay negative. And thank you for being a caring soul

    Liked by 1 person

  8. It’s still here, usually gotten from big in your face festivals or indoor events. But not talked about in the news so much.

    a few months ago someone I had sat next to here, at dinner, and chatted up front and personal succumbed to it. No one else including me, got.=!

    I’ve got out of kilter with the boosters because I got caught out last April – but now onto the next booster, but not the brand “better than ever one” – so it will soon be the flu’ jab as Autumn here in New Zealand

    Liked by 1 person

  9. We’re not supposed to test or do anything other than treat it like a normal flu, so people here don’t. The hand sanitizers are still up in the supermarkets, but I think I am one of a very small group still using those.

    Conscience is what it’s all about.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Most people are just carrying on as normal. I had a cold this Winter and avoided my youngest son with Little Miss P. But I am more likely to get it from grandchildren than pass it on.

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  11. Oh yes, Covid is still making the rounds here in the central U.S. I applaud your caution. I do the same thing but others do not. In fact, we had a week in early February when the numbers of folks with flu and Covid were up in our county so I wore a mask while grocery and drugstore shopping.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I’m fighting a cold. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, I would not have given a thought to making my rounds (more than ever, as “retirement” looms). It’s a major annoyance to have to think that it could be that pesky virus. It’s an even peskier annoyance that someone I know has it and probably wouldn’t tell me. It least you were given notice. Colds, flu, COVID, blechhh…

    Liked by 1 person

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