Like a teenage girl…..

Do you ever have them?  Those ‘seek and yee shall find’ weeks.  That’s how last week was for me although I’m more inclined to name it a ‘Hunt and Gather” week.

One morning in the hot pool – hunting down some warmth, no way was I going in the big pool.  Way too cold.  Gathering my thoughts on the week to come as I enjoyed the gentle exercise.

Op shop volunteer morning  – very quiet, spent most of the morning gathering and sorting donations while hunting for bargains in the stock.

Charity Knitting, fireside sitting – gathering finished garments together, then hunting through patterns and looking for suitable wool for next round of knits

View Club lunch on Friday  – hunting for a seat at a table (late getting there), then gathering lots of info on a new (to me) Probus club

Chocolate shopping – one of our girls is associated with a company that manufactures chocolate.  Open day at ‘The Shop’ meant we were hunting for yummy things to buy then gathering them into a big box to take home – after paying that is 🙂

A little bit of gardening one day – spent time gathering all the rubbish strewn around by the wind and hunting out the small bulbs that are starting to bloom

Then on the news one evening our lovely news reader Ian Henderson or Hendo as he is sometimes called mentioned that Winter had tightened her grip….oh yes was he right.  BTW, isn’t he lovely 🙂 ian-henderson

It certainly was a bit on the chilly side last week and there was one night when the temp went down to freezing I was hunting around and gathering up an extra doona to go on the bed.

So where does the ‘Like a Teenage Girl’ come into all this?  Well, while I was in the hot pool I was chatting to the lady who was walking back and forth beside me and she laughingly said – this winter has been like a teenage girl.  Bright and sunny some days – wet, watery (tearful) miserable – enough to make you feel down in the dumps on others.

Thankfully we shouldn’t have to wait too long for it to change for the better.  We are over the hump in the year now – the winter solstice was yesterday – yes, the days will probably be cold for a while – then they will gradually lengthen, there will be more daylight and I will feel better.   Sounds good doesn’t it 🙂

Linking to MicroBlog Mondays over at Mel’s blog



9 Replies to “Like a teenage girl…..”

  1. I really enjoyed reading about your ‘hunting and gathering’ week, Cathy! I love that description of winter too. SE Qld is a bit chilly to us locals at the moment but compared to the temps in Victoria, it’s probably just mild! Lol


  2. Already I know that our day will be 5 seconds shorter than yesterday – Panic, people, winter is on its way! But, back to Summer for at least 3 long miserable months of heat …
    I think I like your winter better than ours 😀


  3. Winter has really hit us in NZ this week. I’m writing this and my weather app tells me it is 5 C outside, thought it will “feel like” 1 degree. Brrr. And yes, it has been like a teenage girl – all day we’ve had tears and sunshine, never knowing which will come next. Love that!


  4. Oh dear! Your over the bump pline reminded me that we are over the bump too, but heading toward winter and not away from it. Oh well, can’t control that. I was wondering how the op shop volunteering was going and ai see you are still doing it. I have had the best luck finding wool at mine lately. Lots of sock knitting is happening around here. When winter hits, GN and I will have new wool socks!


  5. It’s flipped for us on this side of the world. We just had our longest day, and now they’re getting shorter.

    I love the comparison to a teenager. Especially one with a lot of attitude.


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