When our boys were little

They slept in bunk beds like these.
Plain and simple with a ladder at one end

No modular rounded corners.
No, you go this way and I’ll go that way

No drawers, book shelves or boxy steps

No roofs (rooves ?) on top or make believe houses

And definitely no playground equipment

Cute as they may look…..no barn doors – gates – or windows complete with greenery

There’s no way Catherine could have made up the top bunk.
As it was I struggled
Resorting to standing on the lower bed heads then lifting the mattress to hook the fitted sheets over the ends. Whichever boy was on top that night lugged their doona up with them

Short of having hired help do it for them
Could somebody tell me
How on earth normal people (aka mothers) change those sheets?

(Click/tap on the photos to enlarge for a better view)

Fun Friday – the day you forget the worries of the week
I think we all deserve a smile at the moment 😊

12 Replies to “When our boys were little”

  1. Well obviously these women are a lot younger and they are teaching kids to dress themselves before they can walk. I remember my grandchildren would come to visit with different socks on and shirt on backwards and when I tried to talk to my daughter she said no encourage them that they can get dressed by themselves. So probably they will do their own beds. LOL!


  2. Wow, we only had bunk beds for a a few years, for visitors, so the beds were only made a few times, not many visitors. We got rid of them because they weren’t being used. So, I hadn’t really thought about the challenges of changing the sheets on those beds! What a nightmare it would be if your child was a bed wetter, or had the flu and was vomiting a lot with accidents. Good grief!! 🙂


    1. Vomiting from the top bunk bed makes for lots of cleaning 😉 But I had never had any problem with the sheets. It never even occurred to me that it could be a problem. I just stood on the ladder an on the edge of the lower bunk bed while changing the sheets of the top one – and no, we do not use fitted sheets. We still have the bunk beds, but now they both stand on the floor (IKEA type beds)
      I – and my children – would have loved a bunk bed with a slide, but there was not room for one.


  3. There are some very cool bunks there. The one that has stairs with drawers is clever. They are very difficult to put sheets on. I plead helplessness and R does it for me.


  4. When my brothers were small they had bunk beds. Plain, simple and nothing fancy. The supports were of modular steel and one of my brothers peeled away the cap and stuffed garbage down the struts. Which was not discovered until long after the event.
    And yes, many/most of those very fancy beds would have been a beast to make.


  5. I believe more children sleep in facsimiles of your boys’ bed than the fancy, schmancy, over priced and sized bunk beds pictured here. Of course, it’s also possible all these beds come with a housekeeper.


  6. I went to boarding school, where you learnt how to make a bed, pronto – otherwise you got “black marks = chores as in punishment” and there weren’t fitted sheets or even the doona/duvet…rather blanket and a candlewick spread that had to be tucked in!


    1. I usually found myself on a top bunk as I was taller – and there was certainly no ladder to assist one to get up on them, usually metal so every “turn” heard!


  7. I, the Tigger, very much liked the top bunk. F couldn’t see me up there (I have never been permitted to sleep on spare beds – human rules I see no point in obeying). It was fun though watching F struggle with the bed-making. xxx Mr T


  8. My sons had cabin beds- so two top beds to make, climbing a ladder to make them. Nightmare. I too have wondered how people make the fancy beds- I expect they have staff.


  9. I had bunk beds in college because we were overcrowded and they put two girls into a room built for one. There was no ladder. Thankfully I was young and agile. No fitted sheets either, but clean ironed ones delivered in a paper bag once a week.


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