Box of chocolates time…

Thank you all for you comments on my post last Wednesday, I was going to follow up on the state of the garden by whingeing about creeping oxalis and how rampant it had become while I was away – it seems to have taken over and made itself quite at home in every spare patch of ground.

But then a couple of things happened to take my mind off such a mundane event.

The sudden death of a good friend a couple of days ago (Thursday) plus another friend being hospitalised with a stroke….both on the same day…has really knocked me for six.

So as I said – the chocolate box quote says it all.

“Life is like a box of chocolates- you never know what you’re going to get”

10 Replies to “Box of chocolates time…”

  1. Sorry to read about your loss, but at 94 years, 11 months … with a wife at 90 plus 10 months, we figure that our time is short. It is inevitable and the hope is that it happens quickly — not drawn out, etc. Just be glad that your own days are pain-free [aside: I know it’s never 100% free) and live every day as if it is your last one — smile and enjoy!! Emiel aka Emiliano

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  2. definitely regarding the chocolates and life…..

    one of things I wanted when I came here was a garden, I started small, pots of plants…but then I discovered like any rental property the “garden” wasn’t going to happen…mowing the lawn was a battle and I finally hit the notion that have it nicely cared for by someone else was much better. K as not only a mower with catcher but a weed eater and a leaf blower…comes fortnightly and he has tamed all the difficult spots that had overwhelmed me…

    that’s one chocolate that I didn’t mind having go to some one else…


  3. So sorry for your loss
    Yes life throws us curve balls. Sometimes
    Hope your friend In hospital makes a full recovery


  4. Sorry about your bad news. I am not sure how it works with the quote but I always look at the box the chocolates come are packed in to identify one and see if I will like it.


  5. Sorry for your loss, and the ill health of your friend. Having recently lost an old friend, I feel for you, it is sad. I find myself thinking of her at odd moments, missing that she is somewhere where I could call her, and yet feeling her goodness at the same time.


  6. I add my sympathy to the others left here. I have nothing to add about chocolates; they don’t appeal to me.


  7. Hugs for you Cathy at this time of sadness. I like the saying that life is not a rehearsal. This is it so we must do our best to savour all the good moments


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