My ‘little’ library…………….

I suppose I’m lucky in that if I want a book to read 3 of the regional libraries are within 3 kms of my house – in different directions.  As well as the ‘big’ one I spoke about previously I often use what I call the ‘little’ library which sits in the shade of gum trees in a small suburb right at the foot of the Dandenongs.

(All photos enlarge with a click)

Within cooee

Inside it has all the same features as the other  – ‘cept for the moving book return and nowhere near as many books – and has still retained that personal feel that libraries should have.  Yes, we grizzle about the dreaded ‘check out your own book’ sytem but we do have a librarian (well more than one) who is more than willing to give you the time of day 🙂

Road to the hills

Montroses check out

I'll help if i canThe little library has a warm and cozy feel about it which the other seems to have lost.    Looking out of the big window you certainly feel connected to the community – it’s right there across the road in the small strip of shops.  The windy path takes you to the local GP’s practice, a pharmacy and the infant welfare centre.  Beyond there across the road is the Vet and the pet shop where Kiera’s meat comes from.

Montrose looking out

This is Montrose library

Library building

Our World Tuesday

Our World

13 Replies to “My ‘little’ library…………….”

  1. Most of my use of our library is online however I love to actually go to the library and use the internet there. This way I can share the quiet and get assistance if I need any and watch the others who sit in silence and enjoy being surrounded by books.


    1. Annie – I will access online at home to look through the catalogue and order/put books on hold and even tho members have free internet usage I never think to do so when I’m in the building.


    1. It’s a ‘gentle’ building – theres nothing harsh anywhere to spoil anything. Oh yes, being small and local you get to know the librarians – they get to know you and other users


  2. I worked in public libraries for 2 years and it was there that I was inspired to write my memoirs, newspaper columns, and radio commentaries. Loved your photos!


    1. Maybe not so quiet in the little library – come along when its preschool story time. Some of the oldies there to pick up books have been known to stop and take part as well – lots of laughing and giggling from the young and old alike!


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