Chance encounters that made me smile

A series of road signs near Rockhampton designed to keep drivers alert
and inject a bit of humour into the car

Distance sign at BP Proserpine – almost there!
Summer footwear – tossed to one side as you do
Dh’s runners neat and tidy – only worn a couple of times
Dh’s tanned arms and knees
Just one solitary gull looking out to sea
Still smiling!

8 Replies to “Chance encounters that made me smile”

  1. G'day Cathy. Great pics. Love the gull on the beach. Hubby and I have just driven from Melbourne to Wodonga to look at a new car and I kept asking "Are we there yet"? Now we have to drive home !!!!! Take care. Liz…


  2. Hi Cathy, thought I'd pop in, leave a comment and join your blog followers.The joggers made me chuckle. Petal has a pair that have only seen daylight once! Give him a pair of RM Williams boots and you need a can opener to get them off him.Maa


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