What do you know Wednesday…

It’s not ‘what’ you know – but ‘who’ you know

We hear that a lot in life

But there are also times when it of no use to me

For instance…..

If you look at this 8 generation direct line chart…….of the 510 ‘people,’ noted I know the name and other details of 49 plus me.  I know who they are.

That doesn’t sound a lot does it?

 Tracing who’s who when dealing with those elusive Irish records is not easy.

So for me at times it often turns out to be

It’s not ‘who‘ you know – but ‘what‘ you know that helps me along the way.

Also knowing where to find it 😊

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Of course there are many other ‘indirect’ names recorded

If I look sideways…..then up and down lol

How about you?  What or who do you know?

How many can you name?

12 Replies to “What do you know Wednesday…”

  1. Thank you for stopping by TNS and commenting. Always nice to hear from a new person and especially one from so far away. As for ancestors, I am impressed you know 49. I am afraid those who knew more of my family are no longer with us.


    1. Patti I’ve been at this for years – I struck lucky with one of Mum’s cousins who provided an enormous amount of names dates and places – but seriously regret not asking more questions or even showing an interest when I was younger. As you mentioned, those who had the knowledge have all gone. We are the ones who have it now and I intend to pass it on.


  2. I started by looking into my maternal Grandparents parents, which took a bit of doing. I had to transcribe an entire local history book to decipher which were my family and which were not. That done, I transcribed the entire 1881 census for the area to flesh out my database. Since that time I have viewed and transcribed 3,761 primary sources, of persons in 2,973 unique places, and recorded 52,990 families. 4,407 of the 74,716 people in my database are blood relatives on my maternal side. And I just keep going, trying to get further back in time. I find that the records in England and Scotland, where I am searching, are sketchy and difficult to research going back in the 1700s. With little in the way of funds to pay to search Scottish records, I’ve reached a standstill.


    1. Oh wow Maggie – you’ve done it the hard way! I take my hat off to you – that is an awful lot of people to have information on.

      You mentioned the cost involved – I have to save during the year to pay for my subscription to an online company. Renewal is due soon and I’m contemplating having a break for a while,


  3. A friend is desperately trying to find the records for her mother, who came into the care of nuns in ireland when very young…she can find a baptismal certificate, but no birth certificate. Apart from wanting to know more about her mum, now deceased, she is in the awkward position of being a Brit in France with Brexit going on, and cannot apply for an Irish passport – which would preserve her right to live in France – without the birth certificate. She is a good researcher, having gone back on het father’s side into the 1750s, I think, but has come to a full stop.
    Suddenly, tracing a family tree is more than a hobby.


    1. Helen, there is an Irish website that has BMD available to view free of charge. They have ‘most’ births from 1864 – 1918, so if your friend’s mother was born in that time period and she knows where suggest she has a look at the civil records. The search is made by name not place so she may have a few to look through.
      These are copies of the registrations – there is information available on how to obtain a certificate….if she’s lucky enough to find the registration.
      irishgenealogy.ie is the site. Lower case, all one word

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I have got back at at least to the 1840s for my family and for a few into the 1700s, but it gets harder as you back. I don’t know how many I can name, but gosh the chase is the thing.


    1. Thats great Cathy – I’ll agree it gets harder the further back you go. I got a good start with a lot of information from one of Mum’s cousins and a Christmas present of an online subscription years ago – and then the gift of a DNA test.
      Once you transcribe the names onto a pedigree chart you become amazed at how many of the direct line names you do know. Good hunting!


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