One down…….

Yes one down – well two actually 🙂

I may not be doing much in way of preparations for the big day
And even though it’s many years since I made one
I  thought I’d give it a go this year.

I tried Aunty Pam’s recipe but halved it
The full amount would’ve filled another very large bowl

Christmas Pud

When I say it was Pam’s recipe I actually meant it was her recipe
as given to her by her sister Betty

Betty's Xmas Pudding from Pam

As you can see – she made these for many years
Do hope they turn out the way Pam’s did
And she didn’t add a secret ingredient

Christmas Pudding isn’t on everyones menu – what do you have instead ?

9 Replies to “One down…….”

  1. Love all the tick marks on the recipe! It has been well-tested.
    My family background is Norwegian so we make a bread called Jule Kage with nuts and candied fruit. It wouldn’t be Christmas without it! My recipe comes from my great grandma Sina.


  2. We don’t like Christmas pudding that much but I do make Christmas pudding ice cream. I get a really nice shop brought pudding and cook it and when its cool mix it with a really good softened Vanilla ice cream and freeze for a bit. It is yummy. I also do a fruit pavlova or cheese cake topped with redcurrants. Your pudding looks fab x Dawn


  3. I make Christmas puddings en masse: they were very popular with french friends and equally so here in Costa Rica so I make a couple of pudding basin size for ourselves and a load in ramekin dishes to give away.
    I use the recipe for George 1st’s Christmas pudding.

    The only problem is obtaining suet. Friends used to bring Atora over when I was in France…but here I have to go to an astonished butcher and buy it off the carcase.
    why is he astonished?
    Because here they use it for dubbining leather….
    But he likes his Christmas puddings all the same.

    I make stollen too…though only for home use.


  4. That’s one long, sorry two long steaming times. A very comprehensive recipe – hop you give it a go. I’ll probably buy a small put as only DH likes it.
    Love from Mum


  5. My mom makes this every year – with rum sauce – and I am always happy to have a piece! She makes “mincemeat” pie as well (the mincemeat from a tin, made of raisins, citrus, etc.) – love it!


  6. My grandmother made wonderful bow-knot orange rolls that no one has been able to properly duplicate. My daughter has come closest plus she makes delicious homemade croissants. My mother was famous for her frozen cranberry salad. I have no specialties except for pulling my chair up to the table:)


  7. Love that old hand written recipe; how precious in this day and age! A friend makes a plum pudding for us each year but the young people prefer icecream, rum balls and white Christmas. And I try to avoid fructose…so it’s quite a sad state of affairs! Lol


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