Bend and Stretch..

The other week when I mentioned I’d been using the resistance bands at home more regularly I had a couple of emails (Hello Sue – Hello Polly) asking what exercises I used them for.

On a ‘good’ day (meaning when I have the time and am willing & able) I’ll ‘work through’ the exercises on the first two charts.

(Just letting you know that I even though I start with good intentions
working through’ doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll do every one of them
or I’ll do 3 sets of the ones I ‘choose’😊)

They look a bit daunting yet are quite simple
it’s just a case of stretching a ‘rubber band’ at the right angle

Chart 1
Chart 2

On a ‘bad’ day when the back is being obnoxious and standing can be a pain I’ll try some from this sit down version. Very similar to the other charts – working on the same muscles – just in a modified way. If you enlarge this chart you’ll be able to see the targeted muscles

In the same way that Chair yoga is great when you can’t get up and down off the floor Chair Exercises are great when you can’t stand for long periods

I wonder if I do them all on a regular basis will it stop me staring at the floor??

 Monday Musings – a time to think and ponder

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12 Replies to “Bend and Stretch..”

    1. I keep telling myself I should get one of those picker upperers but never get round to getting one. Maybe I just like asking myself that question😊


    1. There are days when I’m like youngster complaining to Mum about having to do something – do I have to?? Then like with most things, once you get going it just flows along nicely


    1. The bands are so much easier to use than hand weights and ‘machines’ and the effect on the body is just about the same. The charts make a routine so much easier to follow – I’m constantly checking my phone at the gym wondering which ‘station’ to go to next

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  1. My physiotherapist impressed into me the importance of keeping a good posture when using a resistance band, especially head up and looking straight ahead, and try to keep your spine aligned.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love the joke! I have a morning routine of stretches, but nothing resistant due to a health condition, still, I do my best under the circumstances. My mini workout is gentle, but if I do it the stiffness is taken care of for the day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. These days we tend to do whatever is necessary Maggie. At different times in our lives those activities were stronger/harder than at others. For many of us keep moving is what it’s all about now.


  3. good on you for persisting in use it or lose it – and of course you have the ‘6 pack’ illustrated in the first sets. I love that reflection at the end….and know the feeling.

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  4. Resistance bands are a good alternative to weights. Good for you for keeping up your strength. It’s so easy to let exercise go by the wayside. Ask me how I know.

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