🧶A head start…..

A couple of weeks ago this suggestion was made at my ‘after hours’ craft group – it followed on from general chit chat over what to do with all those half balls and scrappy bits of leftovers that we know disinterested family will more than likely just bag up and toss because in their eyes ‘full balls are so much easier to rehome’

“Daft as it might sound, there are memories in leftovers. Most of us remember when we used the main quantity, what we used it for and who we made it for. So in a similar vein to a quilt made from left over or preloved material that has memories the maker can talk about, think about making something to donate incorporating your leftovers. Tell us all about those memories and if possible show us.”

The chat then moved on to – ‘the weather’…..predicted heatwaves, cyclones, bushfires, floods…….the sort of things Australians talk about before summer (all year round if the truth be told 😎)
When someone jokingly said, ‘forget summer – Heads up, I can tell you it’s going to be cold next winter!’ I knew what I was going to make.
Something I’ve publicly declared as ‘I’d willingly knit anything but these’
Yet here I was thinking, ‘yes, I could do that!.

So once I got over the ‘shudder, shudder, casting on of 90 odd stitches, I was off and running. Show and tell night is in a couple of weeks time and seeing the amount of ‘little balls of colour’ still in the bag there’s probably going to be more than just these three on show😊

* * * * *

Another library book to start the month. Reprints of older publications – this one from 1944
Absent in the Spring – Mary Westcott (pen name for Agatha Christie)

“ Returning from a visit to her daughter in Iraq, Joan Scudamore finds herself unexpectedly alone and stranded in an isolated rest house by flooding of the railway tracks. This sudden solitude compels Joan to assess her life for the first time ever and face up to many of the truths about herself.

Definitely sounds like an interesting read – I wonder what Mrs Scudamore will discover?

Oh, and here’s where the left overs on the table were from.


(I’m adding this here because it may be of interest to some of you).

I’m not really a ‘groupy’ sort of person, I tend to get distracted and end up talking/listening and not ‘working’ – yet really enjoy this evening group – it’s made up of people of all ages….not just grandmas looking for kindred spirits- there are several much younger members- some still out in the work force.
Which means topics of conversation can range along the lines of….
* walking to work in the city in heels
* the reaction of other commuters when knitting is produced
* best local places to buy fruit & veg
* how to persuade a teenager to get out of bed at the weekend
* what’s on special in the wool dept of the big store down the road

and recently from our crafty city worker who loves her heels….
* the perils of train travel wearing a ‘boot’…..necessitated because of the so and so who pushed past her and caused her to trip on the kerb, cracking a small bone in her foot. Ouch!

Just one topic not allowed- politics in all shapes sizes
local, interstate and international!.
* * * * *

SO…after the previous ‘scraps’ discussion two weeks ago, (see top of this post) last week this ‘old chestnut’ was raised.
“If you died or were unable to knit, what would happen to your projects on the go?”.
The consensus was ‘tucked away in a cupboard and forgotten or tossed without a care or op shop’.

Well…thanks to a younger (more aware) member we now know there is a group called Loose Ends who will try to find a volunteer to finish the garment. Not just knitting but many other crafts as well – not just in the USA but in many other countries as well.


Loose Ends (group) – Ravelry link

FAQs about Loose Ends Ravelry link

Washington Post – loose ends fibre arts projects

Isn’t that a great idea 🧶❤️🧶


Following on from Denyse’s withdrawal from blogland, Min is now hosting a Wednesday link up called Wednesday Words &Whimsy.
Why not drop in HERE and see who her visitors are – perhaps you’d like to join in as well

Wednesday is the day Kat hosts ‘Unraveled Wednesday’ .
Pop over and discover what others are knitting, reading and talking about.

12 Replies to “🧶A head start…..”

  1. Wow great post. I did know about ‘loose ends’ and had considered volunteering at one stage but crikey i have enough of my own unfinished projects. (I finished my Mum’s last one a few years back, and sympathize with anyone trying to work out the pattern and size modifications in unfinished knitting. Anyone picking up mine would have to unravel and make something else – i make no notes on the adaptations I’m making.) How many hsts do you reckon you have in your scrap bag? (I managed over 20 out of my 4ply stuff and ended up buying more scrap from charity shops to make the last few interesting…it becomes a self fuelling process.)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have been in awe of your needlework for years. Think of all the little ones, and later their younger siblings who have kept warm in your sweaters. All the premies who had warm heads in your hats. And tiny sweaters to wear home. And now caps. I’ve knit so many of that cap. I always loved the swirling decrease at the top. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love the idea that there is a group that finishes your final project for you.
    Right now I feel like summer will never arrive. Let alone thinking of next winter. Although the current WIP might be finished by then

    Liked by 1 person

  4. At my knitting group yesterday I heard about Arne & Carlos’s Dead Lady Sweaters, projects unfinished because of the untimely death of the knitter. One of our members got such a sweater several years ago. I helped her find the (unusual) stitch pattern and other members helped her define the sleeve shape. It is nice to see a beloved project continue its life in another knitter’s hands.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. That is a wonderful idea. Kindness and generosity never go astray…nor should left-overs… 🙂

    I bought four books yesterday…not for me….Christmas presents for a couple of children I know. I love to encourage today’s kiddies to read and love books of the paper kind. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Loose Ends is a wonderful idea. Your leftovers look lovely in the hats. I am not much of a group person either but one of mixed ages sounds like a good idea. It would prevent a long discussion of ailments that is often called the “organ recital.” I’m going to look for that book by Agatha Christie.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi Cathy, I think your beanie’s look great and I love seeing where the leftover wool came from. Great comparison to quit making. My Mum was a quilt maker and she’d often make ones with leftover scraps of material – great memories like oh that was from the quilt you made for Twin1 when he was small and that was from the quilt you made me etc. Same thing with knitting using leftover wool. Your craft group sounds very much like my art group. Likeminded people who chat about a vast array of topics and we inspire and learn from each other. We meet once a month and I enjoy it so much! Thank you for linking up again with #WWWhimsy I look forwarding to seeing you at the next one!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. The joy of the groups is the conversation for sure. My Friday group is hilarious, sometimes we laugh till we cry! I think my daughter in law can be trusted to find new homes for my hoard of crafty things. I do pass things on when I know I have no use for them. Again my Friday group has a table on which people put their unwanted stash and you can take for a donation to air ambulance

    Liked by 1 person

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