Make ‘em laugh….

A few years ago Jean at introduced us to a fun site
Called ‘they can talk’ it can be found HERE

They certainly talk alright and the talk makes me laugh as well!


After an unexpected delay, this time in a couple of weeks we’ll be well and truly on our way ‘up north’.

Caravanning friends of mine decided during the Summer they wouldn’t be wintering in Queensland this year
Like many others they’re heading o/seas instead.
Others are just staying home because everything’s going up in price!

I forwarded this to the ‘stay at homes’

I’m looking forward to their thoughts on ‘wintering in place’ 😎


And this one reminds me of the beginning of an overheard conversation many years ago at a ‘retirement conference’

‘Have you seen my husband?  What does he look like?                                                    Well, he’s grey haired and wearing glasses.

Fun Friday – the day to leave all the worries of the week behind you

(I’ve been ‘offline’ most of this week- will be back next week)

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8 Replies to “Make ‘em laugh….”

  1. thanks for the smiles and I did go over to the lake and yes they can talk ha ha. We stay in one place. I hate Summers here because it’s hot hot hot but we always tough it out

    Liked by 1 person

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