Something’s stirring….

And it certainly wasn’t me 😊

Tuesday – always a non day, the busyness of Monday has gone and the quietness of Wednesday has yet to come.

So what did I do yesterday – Tuesday our time.  Well not a lot actually.  A restless night with broken sleep didn’t help.  It was cold overnight yet beautifully sunny first thing, not tempting enough to go outside that early though, not until I’d had half an hour in a nice warm bath with Echoes, an old 1997 Maeve Binchy

A quick wander down the bottom of the garden midmorning showed that some things are stirring…..we might want the world to stand still so we can get off this awful merry go round we’re on at the moment…..the one called living with a pandemic……but nature has other ideas.  Life doesn’t stand still for her.

The small snippets of information gleaned from the Premier’s easing of restrictions bulletin had me wondering if my charity would be reopening it’s doors soon so early afternoon  I made a slow start on packing all the hand knits ready to drop the box off at the local pick up point.  ‘Not yet’ was the word from them later,  it’ll be ready to go when they are.

Do you like the latest finish?

Facts and figure fascinate me. With all the daily briefings we’ve had recently there’s been oodles of them floating around .  On another level  Here’s a website I found a couple of weeks ago when I was trying to find worldwide information on the current crisis.  Wait for it to load then scroll down to see the (quite daunting) individual country totals…..there are other tabs at the top worth looking at.

When I turned the heating off and went to bed last night the world totals were 4,256,539 cases – 287,353 deaths.

I wonder what it is now?

14 Replies to “Something’s stirring….”

  1. Is the elephant knit in or is it knit over the other? I love the sweater, especially the elephant. What is coming up in your yard? I am trying to keep in mind that you have the opposite seasons to us.


    1. I knit the elephant at the same time Elizabeth- I’d find it hard to ‘oversew’ that amount of work.

      Those are late winter/early spring bulbs – snowflake and narcissi – reminding me the year is passing far more quickly than I thought. May is our last month of Autumn- Winter beginners June 1 😒

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That is a complicated pattern then. I admire your work even more. I will think of you this winter as I sit on my deck in the warm summer sun!


  2. sounds like one of those kind of days when you stick close to home and enjoy what is on offer there…like you, things are changing here in New Zealand. I’m not sure if it’s quite time for me and her health issues to race out there and be with the population. It sounds tempting but I think I should just wait a bit…see what will evolve on with those “others” who “just wake up put on their work clothes and go off to wherever…”


    1. It certainly was one of those home comforts days Cathy. Home on the range was the best place that day.
      We are now allowed to travel but not stay overnight. No Cafes or restaurants open yet so it would be a packed lunch day out😊


  3. LOVE that elephant (well I would, wouldn’t I).
    My Tuesday was busy, so I am looking forward to a quieter day.
    I get overwhelmed by the figures quickly, so ration my exposure.


    1. Even though I don’t check it these days I thought some might be Interested in the site EC. I’ve definitely ‘gone off’ the updates and informative segments on tv – my curiosity has lessened now we’re slowly working our way to the other side thank goodness.


  4. The Age online has a similar facility to view world wide stats, right down to local government here.


    1. I’m not an Age subscriber so wouldn’t have seen theirs Andrew. It was interesting to begin with in a shock horror sort of way… it’s just very large unimaginable facts and figures.


  5. I like the little sweater. How clever of you to have a card of purple buttons on hand.


    1. HaHa Joanne I have a very large bag filled with lots of bags filled with buttons.
      I’ll admit to occasionally looking at them before I actually choose the colours I’m going to knit with. Kill two birds with one stone sort of thing. The elephant could have been worked in several colourways depending on which buttons I have oodles of and am I’m trying to get rid of 😊


    1. We live in the suburbs Linda – short of going to the supermarket or walking the streets we’ve been confined to home so my fingers and needles have been going non stop for the last eight weeks 😊


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