Thinking time – outside the box..

Quiet times during lockdown times means lots of surfing time

And because surfing time often turns into fun time

Here just for Fun and just because it’s Friday – you do know what Friday is don’t you?
Yes, a special day for Fun if ever there was one 😊

(And boy we really do need we need fun at this time)

Here’s some little things to think about and to keep you amused
Can you find the hidden phrase or word for these puzzles?

From wikipedia:-
Thinking outside the box (thinking outside the square) is to think differently, unconventionally or from a new perspective. This phrase often refers to novel, creative and smart thinking.This is sometimes called a process of lateral thought. 

Oh and I’d be able to tell you where I found these little puzzles
if I hadn’t cleared my history ☹️

Fun Friday – the day you forget the worries of the week.

BTW – The Suggested answers were…..
Traffic Congestion or Traffic Jam
Where is Mr Right
Role Reversal or Reversed Roles
Upper Crust
A Rising Economy

5 Replies to “Thinking time – outside the box..”

  1. Obviously I cannot think outside the box. Could understand most when you provided the answers, but just don’t get the hiccup one. Cool challenge.


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