The New Year cometh….

And with it those ‘will I/won’t I……shall I/shan’t I’ thoughts.
Those yearly thoughts about…..resolutions- goals – intentions- aims – pledges.
That have on occasion been known to invade some people’s minds
Mine included !

I have none of those or even A Word of the Year chosen for this coming year.
At the moment I’m hoping the encouraging phrases above will continue to guide me.

I’ve been a fan of the much maligned LLL for a long time using it as the blog’s Tagline
And what could be more simple than two little reminders of trips to far away places

Roly Poly Santa from Ketchikan Alaska – Long legged Santa from Calgary Canada

Or breakfasts eaten in the early morning sunshine

Right this very minute I’m going to have to work on staying positive ……. My sister was sedated and intubated the other day to assist her recovery.

Oh and I do enjoy every comment that’s made and hope you are patient with me – I’m planning to reply to them this coming year. New ones that is. Trouble is sometimes I think too long before I speak and then the moment has gone😊

27 Replies to “The New Year cometh….”

    1. And for you also Charlotte. That little saying has been like a friend to me over the years and I’d be lost if I didn’t make use of it daily.


    1. Thank you for your kind wishes Joanne. I’m in need of some comforting at the moment. Life next year has to be better than this one has been….for all of us worldwide.


    1. EC….Love and laughter ‘should’ be the backbone of family life shouldn’t it. My sister is going to need all the love and care that’s possible to give. The words septicaemia/sepsis has been used so we are all on tenterhooks waiting for the next Drs report.


    1. Yes Andrew waiting and hoping are all we can do. Life throws these curved balls at us — something very unexpected happens – so we have to roll with the punches lol. Wait and hope are the orders of the day!


  1. Strength, patience, health, happiness and prosperity – all these are our wishes for you and your followers for the New Year. Prayers for your sister also. Best wishes and purrings from F and Mr T


    1. Thank you For all your best wishes Mr T (and F). I need all of them at the moment – I’ll start with strength and see how I go from there 😊


  2. I love your yearly thoughts. Wish I had bought some Santas when I was in Ketchikan Alaska. You last post about your sister made me determined to drive only one hour to my sister’s but she and her husband would not let me come because of their recent exposure to COVID. It is a sad time but we look toward a new and better year.


    1. My heart sank when I saw that word in the last message I received Kylie. I’m not sure if her family understands how serious it is….but it’s the medical staff and not my place to relay that information to them. Your best wishes as well as all the accompanying love are gratefully accepted

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    1. They’re a great way to start the day Helen. I’ve been known to drink my morning coffee out there on cool mornings bundled up like Nanook of the north. Love my fresh air (and sunshine). Happy New Year to you and Leo – hopefully there’s better days ahead for all of us


  3. I’m so sorry to hear about your sister
    Hoping and praying she gets better quickly
    It’s been a tough year for all but especially for those that have had to deal with health issues
    Hope we all have a much easier, new year. We definitely have earned it


  4. Sending you virtual hugs Cathy, such a hard way to start the New Year. I had adopted a bury my head in the sand approach,to the start of the year, sometimes it’s the only way. XX

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    1. All hugs (real or virtual) are welcome Cathy. I look forward to a new year but cringe at the thought of the old one being one I won’t get again….except when it’s years like the last one when I couldn’t wait for midnight to roll on by

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