Well, would you look at that….

Is what I said to myself when I spied this lot down near the washing line.
Seems I didn’t get round to clearing them all up

Fallen leaves from last Winter not gathered

Well would you look at that, I said to myself when I noticed the orange blooms on the Clivia – they were moved last year and have settled In well.
Oh bugger, would you look at that, I said to myself.
when I noticed the green tips on what last week were bare branches.
That rotten Oak tree of next door’s is having the last laugh!

New green leaves on bare branches welcoming Spring

Linking to various sites:- Bethere2dayMy Corner of the World Natasha Musing

11 Replies to “Well, would you look at that….”

  1. yes indeed “well look at that…” I’m starting to note there are buds forming on some of the trees on my walks that a few months ago were dropping their autumn leaves all over the place…


  2. Our leaves have just started falling… I’m not looking forward to raking, but somebody’s gotta do it! Have a great day! I love autumn….


  3. Had to giggle. Hubby spent a lot of time raking leaves and then the magnolia blooms fell. There are other early blooms that are threatening to fall for him, too!

    How great to see you at ‘My Corner of the World’ this week!! Thanks for linking.


  4. Dear Cathy,

    I’m glad the oak tree has not given up, true to its spirit.

    He may stand out like a sore thumb, but looks back at you like an old grandpa I guess! 🙂

    Lovely to have you join me on #WordlessWednesday

    Have a good week. Will be live soon!


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