Maxine and St Valentine…..

(This is an edited version of a post originally published in 2015)

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We all know Maxine, the lady with the ‘attitude’ – Her outspoken opinions on just about anything and everything, particularly on ageing and men are well known to most of us.

Well, after a ‘fun chat’ with friends about Valentine’s Day, I looked around the internet and discovered Maxine’s thoughts on Valentine’s Day almost mimicked those of some of those friends disillusioned with life,  love and commercial holidays.

 Now to begin with who doesn’t love chocolates
And – who needs a holiday to have chocolates đŸ™‚

Maxine Valentine Chocolates

He Better Remember Day
This is Maxine’s new name for the day when many are hoping the suggestions they’ve been planting for weeks actually materialize.  Also the day when many lovers’ expectations are not met đŸ˜¦

Maxine valentine remember

I wonder what Valentine would think if he could see this??

Saint Valentine is a widely recognized third-century Roman saint commemorated on February 14 and associated since the High Middle Ages with a tradition of courtly love.

Would he be saddened by Maxine’s lack of enthusiasm – who knows what she’s been through to display it so openly.  Would he attempt to reassure her that even though he died because of his belief in marriage this was not a day to be scorned but one to be enjoyed by those in love?

Somehow I don’t think she would be easily swayed.  She has never mentioned the cad who broke her heart – just shown a general contempt of men – and a love of chocolate đŸ™‚

maxineMaxine romance chocolate


Her dislike of the day has sent to her to try other treats – is this emotional eating or a way of stating her disdain for contrived holidays?

Maxine valentine ice creamMaxine other good things

 Now we begin to see how her opinion of men compares with that of her love of chocolate.

Maxine guy chocolate

Her attitude towards men does make you wonder is/was she a feminist and believes (as many of us older ones who ‘fought the good fight’ do) that women are equal to (if not better than) men – or am I perhaps reading too much into this lol

Maxine with chocolate

She can however see the good side of this commercial holiday that was originally based on love and with her tongue in cheek humour is ever hopeful of receiving a gift.

Maxine valentine something wonderful



Maxine valentine

And here for your enjoyment you can watch Maxine as she ‘sings’ her true feelings about the day.  Do you think that somewhere along the way something happened – was she rejected by a ‘suitor’ ?

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How did Valentine’s Day become a holiday?  These links may explain.

15 Replies to “Maxine and St Valentine…..”

  1. Mayhap Maxine got an electric can opener for Valentine’s Day. I know that could turn any woman cold. (He will never live it down)


  2. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY ! Thanks for the research on St. Valentine. I found it very interesting and I did not realize the history behind St. Valentine’s day.


  3. Maxine is kewl. Sometimes I wish there was a male equivalent. I am not sure about Maxine being rejected. I think she has experienced everything that life has to offer.


  4. Well that is very interesting to find out the story behind St Valentine and all the Maxine jokes and comments, loved them. Though I do think that Feb 14 has now just become very over commercialised and another excuse to put prices up.


  5. I’ve always enjoyed Maxine. You have to laugh at her grumpy humor. We usually celebrate Valentines Day just by getting something fun for the whole family to share. I wonder if we ever celebrated it with chocolates or flowers.


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