One thing leads to another

Have you ever experienced an earworm – A tune/ song that gets into your brain –  going round and round in your mind, being there at the most unexpected moments

Mine began…..if that’s how you could describe it with a simple email.

Sunday last week I had a photo forwarded to me……taken at the end of our last choir concert.  You know the ‘fun’ one where everyone is supposed to be silly….only some didn’t get the cue….me included.  Smiling broadly, thinking why aren’t we finished, others had moved…..leaving me (lower level far right) looking as though I’m in the spotlight 

Wednesday at the last coffee morning for this half of the year,  just after B had entertained us with her impersonation of a gypsy woman trying her hand at fortune telling by attempting a bit of palm reading,  Janet went on to describe how her young neighbours reacted with almost horror at her placing a coin in their newborn grandsons hand.  “Surely they’d heard of the Irish custom of crossing the baby’s palm with silver”

I listened to others talking about windy days and trying to walk up hilly streets, mentioning the fact the wind was in the right place …….right behind them, pushing them up the hill!

Then blow me down that afternoon at the last choir rehearsal for a while Mary reminded us to take care of ourselves until we meet again (a longer time in my case than the others)

Thinking back now I can now see all those little hints were conspiring with each other and making secret  plans to upset my ‘quiet times’ and ‘peace of mind’ for the rest of the week.

Can you guess what little ‘tune’ has been going round and round in my head since then.  One we sang at the concert!  Not quite as loudly as the clip below……not all of us were there that day and – well, there being far more in the clip choir……but we did sing with just as much ‘love and gusto’

Irish Blessing

May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind be ever at you back
May the sunshine warm upon your face and the rain fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again, until we meet again 
May God hold you in the palm of his hand

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

 It’s very early Monday morning here – how was your week… you have anything special planned for this  week?    Personally, if I could persuade the last two lines of that song to leave my brain and take a hike I’d be happy 😎

16 Replies to “One thing leads to another”

  1. I don’t know how ‘Vindaloo’ surfaced in my brain again but it pops up at most inconvenient moments…
    Leo took French leave from his first chemotherapy session and is unlikely to return to try again and all the while he was ‘in discussion’ with the staff ‘Vindaloo’ was running in my ear as background music.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Vindaloo – wasn’t that the strange ‘song’ beloved by soccer players??

      Leo has obviously made up his mind about treatment options – I haven’t heard the expression French leave for years. My dad would use it when young airmen didn’t return from leave….then charged with being awol. Wasn’t it originally something to do with leaving and not saying goodbye?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, it was, and how, as someone who is not interested in football. it grabbed me, is beyond me.
        He certainly has…will be an interesting encounter with his specialist later this month!
        And the French say ‘filer a l’anglaise’ for the same thing…

        Liked by 1 person

  2. My earworms are mostly barely music. Yellow polka dotted bikini has lodged itself more often than I care to remember. And yellow submarine ditto. And bits of Abba which I never liked. How I would love a brain cleaner to reach in with and scrape them away.
    This morning was quite chilly. So just after first light I went out and froze bubbles. I was out there nearly an hour. And hour after I came in I noticed some of the bubbles were still there – so I went out with the camera again. My Inner Child is thriving.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol You’ll need to look into your subconscious mind to see what connection you have to yellow EC
      Looking forward to frozen bubble posts on your blog. They really are a work of nature aren’t they


  3. A lot of people relates that chewing gum chases earworms away. I never tried as chewing gum gives me tummy ahce which is worse than an earworm. I never heard Irish Blessing before, and find it quite beautiful.


    1. I’ve never heard that earworm tip before Charlotte – I’d never remember it (not that I have gum at home or in my bag).
      The words of the blessing are well known….set to music maybe not. I agree it does have a haunting melody which makes it sound beautiful.


    1. Lol Dear old Vera – one of my mother’s favourites. Most of the choir might be ‘war babies’ but we like to sing something a bit younger than that 😊


  4. I just hate when that happens, but the cure I found is going to the bathroom and yelling it in the silence, like an incantation.

    Nice piece, tho. We used to say bits of it to each other when we met in Ireland back in the day.

    May you sit on the right side of God was another one when somebody did something nice.

    Nice plans for this week including a rehearsal. I love rehearsals more than performances.


    Liked by 1 person

  5. I enjoyed the video! I love to listen to choirs, it seems such a joyful thing, to raise your voice and call in the presence of others.
    I’ve not ever had an earworm, although I’ve heard them described many, many times. Sometimes I catch myself composing music at the back of my mind, but I think that must be a different thing. Sometimes I “hear” music in sounds, mostly rhythmic, like the washing machine just at the moment, which is fun. Earworms though, do not sound like fun!


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