Early one morning…

Sunrise Tuesday 3 July 2018

Early morning thoughts

She’d been so entranced by the early morning sunrise she hadn’t heard the door open behind her.  She stood very still as she sensed the footsteps getting closer.

‘You’re up early’, he said.

‘Mmmm, I woke and couldn’t drop off again, got up and made myself a cup of tea.  Saw this wonderful mix of colours out here so left the warmth of the kitchen to come outside for a better look’

‘And what’s on the agenda for today?’ he asked as he turned to go back inside.

Patsy was caught unawares by that one.  ‘Maybe a bit of shopping, possibly call in at the Animal Shelter with those old towels, I might even go to the gym.   I’ll just play it by ear as the day goes by’

There was no way she was going to tell him exactly what she had planned for her day. It was going to be a mixture of pain and pleasure which she was sure he wouldn’t understand.

She stood there a while longer then suddenly felt the chilly early morning air seeping into her bones

Upermost in her mind was their upcoming trip to Rome.  She was so looking forward to feeling the warmth of the European summer sun which meant it was time to get her legs waxed.  

‘Now what shall I have for breakfast, she muttered to herself, oh, and what time was that appointment?’

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Words for Wednesday is a weekly meme where words or pictures are given as prompts   Vest at The Daily Gaggle is providing the prompts for July – these are today’s

Footsteps – Warmth – Shelter – Mixture – Chilly – Summer

(the sunrise photo was taken from my back deck at 7.30 am yesterday morning)

8 Replies to “Early one morning…”

    1. Wasn’t sure where I was going with it Diane. Waxing her legs seemed just like the right sort of pain and pleasure activity 😊


  1. Good one, Cathy. I was expecting something more sinister than waxing, though! lol

    Having never waxed….other than waxed on lyrically…perhaps it is sinister! 🙂


    1. Once waxed never forgotten Lee lol.
      Not sinister but a certain mix of pain plus the pleasure when it’s all done 😊


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