Winter reading….

It’s been a while since our lazy summer days where I seemed to devour any book I got my hands on.  January, February and March saw me reading 28 books but since then things have definitely slowed down.  Slowed down to a crawl!  Well if the truth be told with only 2 books read since then slowed almost to a full stop !

However this will be partially rectified very soon because my friend has pointed me in the direction of another challenge similar to the one we undertook in January.

I know it sounds basic but this one’s an either/or – easy/hard challenge
Easy follow the As or the Bs – 6 books, no mix and match
Hard follow both A & B – 12 books in all
Also include some Australian authors

Also (as was suggested by another soon to be unfriended friend) I’m not naive and do realise I shouldn’t need challenges to encourage me to read but this way rather than choose willy nilly off the library shelves I get to look through the catalogue chasing something to fit the bill.

To begin with, my choices will be Bs, starting with an author I’ve never read before...

Delia Falconer – The Service of Clouds.

“It is 1907 and the Blue Mountains are filled with the grand dreams of elsewhere.  Eureka Jones, a young pharmcist’s assistant with historical eyes, falls in love with Harry Kitchings, a man who takes pictures of clouds and succumbs to the ‘madness of photography’. Their love turns the mountains blue “

And as winter began last week (June 1st). I’d best make a start 😊

So what’s been on your bookshelves recently. Maybe you could recommend some titles that would be a good fit for some of the Bs?

7 Replies to “Winter reading….”

  1. Have you read any Barbara Kingsolver? Or Elly Griffiths?
    One I recently read and enjoyed was A House Without Windows by Nadia Hasimi – set in Afghanistan and examining the treatment of women.
    Another was Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman.


  2. Not sure if books will feature here HOWEVER the bean bags are back down from the pile they have been in for some time – they are the most comfortable when reading books – I don’t get uncomfortable and I feel in tune with a book…

    I had moved them to a complete pile when I had the mind to do something technical with my art making, but now since I abandoned that idea…nothing had been returned to original status…until a few days ago!


  3. I am currently reading Kristen Lavransdatter, by Sigrid Undset, it won the Nobel Prize for literature in the 1920s. I am slow reading these days, could be partly because I have at least two books on the go simultaneoulsy. The translation I am reading is by Tiina Nunnally, and I am really enjoying it. I don’t think it suits your reading list though, it is 1124 pages long.


  4. My summer reading has begun with the Burning Chambers by Katte Mosse. It’s lovely and is a first book in a trilogy. Why not having a reading challenge? One I set myself a couple of years ago was to read through the alphabet, starting with an authors whose surname began with A, and so on.


  5. I have two books in waiting right now for when company is gone home. Can’t remember the titles. They are from the list of Giller Prize nominees for excellence in Canadian literature.


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