With a bit of effort….

Effort – a word that would appear regularly on my school reports.

Meaning a determined attempt

With a bit more effort Catherine could achieve so much more…..

Catherine is capable of so much more if she put the time and effort into……….

Needs to put more effort into her work instead of helping others…..which I’m sure was teacher shorthand for needs to stop talking in class 😊

Last month it was the mental or physical exertion meaning that came into play when it was such an effort to get anything done……time flew out the window whenever I began to do something……concentration certainly had left the building…..I’d begin a task, get side tracked half way through and then complain there wasn’t enough time to finish whatever it was.

Yes I know, excuses excuses.

Lets just hope it’s not too cold a winter because this is my solitary donation to the charity knitting box for April.

Years ago I would occasionally knit to sell, sometimes to order but that could be stressful so usually just to have something here that might be ‘just right’ if a friend wanted a gift for a grandchild.  Of course once babies grew and the time it took to make larger garments did likewise I’d look for patterns to use that knit up quickly  This old front page favourite was made quite a lot over several winters – double stranded for warmth with a yoke done on a circular needle – easy peasy, or so I thought in those days.

Not so these days.  My fingers and wrists ‘hurt’ from using the large size needles needed to knit the two strands and the air was blue as I attempted to put the two body pieces and two sleeves on that circular needle in the correct order.  How could I forget something so simple?  Okay, once they were on and I’d finished the first round of the colour work aka simple fair isle it was plain sailing from there on.  My words to the other crafters during ‘show and tell’ as I pop it in the box tomorrow evening will be – Look and admire because you won’t be seeing another one 😊😎

Have you found anything hard going recently- what’s been an effort for you to achieve over the past few weeks?

25 Replies to “With a bit of effort….”

  1. Smiling at the ‘effort’ comments in your reports. I still remember the report which one of my brothers brought home ‘Surprising given the effort expended…’ My parents were furious.
    Sadly I am finding too many things harder than they were. Gardening in particular. If I get down to the ground it is not at all easy to stand again.


    1. Oh I hear you on the getting up bit EC – no fluid rising off the ground these days. Sort of a ‘down dog’ scrabble along the floor and an ungainly unbending of the knees with the bum in the air 😊


  2. I’ve been so busy I haven’t touched yarn. Not until a few weeks ago. And only because I need to make something for the new baby due this Saturday!
    My hands like yours are feeling their age, arthritis? Or just the weather. But it’s been slow going.
    Getting the though. The jumper is adorable so even if it’s the only one it’s special


    1. Oh Angela there will be so much love (and noise) in your house with the arrival of a new baby. And I’m sure the little one will appreciate her pink blanket- no matter how old she is when she receives it 😊


  3. I love the pattern and the colours you chose to use. For some reason the patterns I did years ago are causing problems now. I have never had to undo knitting and start again as much as I’m having to these days. Thought it was just me.


    1. No not just you Joan, I do sometimes wonder if we put the cart before the horse when we use those old patterns. Thinking we know how it goes but possibly forgetting a step or two. Yes patterns are patterns but if I’m using a recent publication I tend to double check the increases or length more than usual.
      Thanks for dropping in and leaving a comment – hope to hear from you again


  4. This post took me back a bit. I knitted Tom 2 chunky fairisle jumpers in the 60’s from pure wool and they lasted for years. I always had something on my knitting needles back then but lately not. I am waiting for some great grand children to arrive but sadly there are non in the offing as yet, I feel that only small items are for me now, like you say the hands just aren’t so strong now.


    1. Oh yes Briony there’s no way I’d tackle an adult size garment these days. Five year old 24 inch/ 60 cm is more than enough for me.
      Maybe you could have another go at your knitting, try with some baby cardigans and donate to a charity. I bet those fair isle jumpers were a delight to look at – maybe with the handsome fella in them 😊


  5. Ha, I remember the word effort in my school reports, but I am not sure if it was makes a great effort or lacking effort. I expect the latter. What is harder? Physical effort.


    1. The thing is Andrew my marks weren’t that bad. It was an all girls school which was determined not to lower its standards and always ‘pushed’ their pupils not to let the side down. I laugh these days remembering the headmistress at assembly reminding us ‘you are the ladies of tomorrow’ and to act accordingly.


  6. Spitting on you 3 times for finishing that wonderful jumper even if it maybe the last. Don’t want to put the evil eye on you for being so envious. My knitting was far simpler back then and continues to be so!
    Love your description in the comment on how you get up off the floor. At home I can usually find a piece of furniture to lever myself up on. I had a very public fall a few weeks ago and had to be dragged up by half a dozen weight lifters. Need to lose weight!


    1. Things like knitting are usually very simple round here Linda – I was trying to break out of a rut and it turned around and bit me on the bum 😊


  7. I just learned to crochet a year ago, and will never find patterns easy as I started out crotchety. I don’t mind really, taking it slow. Getting down on the ground and up again, very trying, the old knees just are not what they used to be. I dream of kitchen cupboards with bottom pull out drawers, so that I can reach down, instead of laboriously lowering myself into postition to find the items at the back of the bottom shelves!

    The sweater is beautiful! I couldn’t produce such a garment in my wildest dreams 🙂


    1. Oh the Perils of Pauline has nothing on growing older does it Maggie lol
      I do believe you are making something just as beautiful with the rug/afghan you are crocheting. Which is a craft I have never been able to master.


  8. I envy knitters—it always seems so easy and fulfilling to just sit there, and with seemingly little effort produce something so useful and beautiful! But I agree, it is probably harder as the knitter ages!


    1. Lol Dianne – lots of things are harder as we age 😊
      I suppose we just have to accept the fact and try to find a way round it. Unfortunately for some taking the easy way out is a no no and they make their life miserable as well everyone else around them!


    1. I’m watching the shenanigans at your house with interest Joanne. I have no idea about anything to do with weaving so will be visiting regularly to find out. I believe there will be lots of special yarn involved 😊


  9. Just walking is hard some days due to hip issues. However, today was good. Got to remember the good days!


    1. Hopefully as the weather warms up your hip will be kind to you Marie. Can’t wait to to see the photos from your next walk.


  10. some of the new buses here have a very high (get out of the back) step, finding I’m not good at “jumping down” either…annoying me as I like to see out, not just over the window ledge of the lower seats…


    1. Public transport must be a problem at times Cathy. More and more of our buses are becoming’smart’ – there go up and down to allow easy access for those with disabilities.


  11. I crochet, so much easier wrangling a single hook than 2 needles, and projects grow quickly.
    I make blankets, ponchos, beanies, etc for remote Indigenous communities to keep myself out of mischief.


    1. My efforts with a crochet hook were appalling- decided at this stage of my life it was best to concentrate on what I can do rather than what I can’t.

      There are so many people in need these days they need every helping hand that’s available.


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