Putting a Spring in your step…..

There have been times recently as we’ve moved from season to season I’ve felt like a bit of a fraud.  I’ve been gaily gloating mentioning our warmer temperatures to other bloggers and what does fickle Miss Spring do – well she decides she’s going to back off for a day or two (or should I say night or two……. Blankets removed have been replaced!)

For putting up with the return of some rather cool nights we have been ‘rewarded’ with some rather nice days just right for early morning walking and seeing these bursts of colour along the way has certainly put a spring in my step.

These days Gazanias come in a variety of colours however I love the sunny look of the yellow which I tend to think is the original.  And doesn’t it look grand making itself comfortable on both sides of this fence.

At one time I had some of the supposedly easy to grow Osteospermum in my garden  Not sure where it went to because it’s not to be found anywhere out there. Maybe it wandered away just like this cool looking plant seems to be doing.

I have to admit I don’t know the name of this little creeper – it looked like a minature Covolvulus but there was no one around to ask.  It certainly looked happy to sprawl in and around that corner of the fence near the letter box.

And back home I see a self sown Erigeron has once again taken over a corner spot of our old garage.  I cut it right back at the end of Autumn and each year it grows back bigger and this year seems to have taken over half the pathway as well.

Patches of Arctotis are beginning to show colour around the garden……making me smile when I see their open flower heads turned up to the sky.  So easy to grow, dig up a piece with even the finest of roots on the end and it takes off in no time.  Takes off alright – it’ll cover a bare patch quick as wink – no wonder years ago a generous friend asked me if i wanted some bits she’d dug up 😊

This is the last of one of my favourite spring flowering bulbs – the Bluebell.  Once the green leaves poke through the ground I’m on the lookout for those stalks topped with droopy heads loaded with those ‘blue bells’.  These and the ubiquitous Daffodils are the only two flowers that remind me of Spring as I was growing up in England.

Now depending on whether you like them or regard them as a pest here’s a bit of Australia for you – up at the park the other day I was entertained by this Noisy Miner as he/she flitted about posing on the lower branch of a gum tree.  (These photos will enlarge with a click)


Linking  to Nature Notes   

Hosted by Michelle at Rambling Woods

Linking to Our World Tuesday

17 Replies to “Putting a Spring in your step…..”

  1. Goodness, beautiful spring flowers, when we are heading into the cold and rain of late autumn here in Ontario, Canada! I hadn’t heard of Arctotis, I think they would grow here, but probably not as a perennial. You have me thinking of April in Canada already!


  2. Lovely, lovely spring blossoms! Cute bird as well. Ah spring, it will be a long time a-comin’ for me.


  3. I just said to my daughter, who turned winter back on!
    It’s nice right now. But apparently more rain tomorrow
    Melbourne. Gotta love our town!


  4. We had a prolonged monsoon this year and what should have left us by mid September is still with us with the Met predicting that it would completely withdraw in 48 hours. In the meanwhile, one does not leave the home without an umbrella unless one takes the car. Come November and our winter season will start and there is already signs of temperatures coming down in the air.


  5. spring is definitely springing about here (over the ditch, in my region) – our long w/end celebrating Labour Day put paid to a lot of outings and I had to refind another layer for the bed…and put on heating in bedroom twice. Each day the brilliant fine stuff appeared about 2pm for about an hour…


  6. Hi Cathy, lovely to see those pretty flowers and what a great job they do too, filling up the spaces. Thanks for a lot of the names as well… I only knew ‘gazania’ out of that batch ;D)
    Yes, the cold weather reared its head for a while, milder today with a nice fall of rain.
    Cheers and happy Spring!


  7. How wonderful to see Spring happening just as the wicked west winds are blowing the last of the autumn leaves around here in southeastern Alberta.
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel


  8. I admire the informal, charming ways you have grouped flowers next to fences and walkways. They are really effective in welcoming spring…and here we are, in this hemisphere, welcoming winter!


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