Cormorants at Saltons Wharf

Posting the photos of  the Cormorants I’d seen in Adelaide
reminded me I also saw some when we were in Newfoundand
last September
There is a small wharf just outside the Visitor Centre at Terra Nova National Park
And this is what I spied right at the end
I did try walking closer but didn’t want to disturb them
so to take these extended the zoom
right to its limit on my little point and shoot
all photos will enlarge
click and then click again
I love the way they all stand seemingly with their eyes all fixed in the one direction
At first I thought all the photos would be the same
but not so ‘cose the gulls seemed to come and go around them
The one in the middle was there by ‘himself’ for a while
Drying off after a quick dive
I was told they were Great Comorants – hopefully that is so

3 Replies to “Cormorants at Saltons Wharf”

  1. Lovely catching up today Cathy. Your Cormorant photos are great. I enjoyed your first shot too with that bright red visitors' center. If I don't get here before, Merry Christmas and A Very Happy New Year.


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